Travels with The Original Easyrider®

Images by
Easyrider In The Wind Photography

Tour, hiking and random tidbits
Not worthy of their very own page
Throughout 2024 and times gone by....

All rights reserved - may not be copied without permission


The cowardly Republicans are the solution to nothing
Most Republicans are RINOs
Democrats hate America and are actively succeeding in destroying it
Trump loves all Americans enough to give up his life for YOU!
There are only a handful in Congress who actually care about this nation
Are you even a little bothered that a corrupt, senile puppet is still President?
Think it's fine that the FBI is utterly corrupt and weaponized against YOU?

Trump and Vance or the Giggler and the Snitch
If you vote for Democrats you are an imbecile

August 1, 2024

Saying, doing or even thinking something the corrupt government doesn't
like carries consequences. Up to and including being murdered by your
own government. aka "the protectors of democracy".

The corrupt, Trump hating FBI still "can't" figure out what Crooks' motive
was for shooting Trump. Really? It's a 3-fer my dear Watson
1) The deep state would finally get rid of Trump. And blame it on a deranged
Trump supporter. Which, as it turned out, Crooks was not. DOH!
2) They get to blame the AR-15, a weapon that the Democrats have been trying
to ban for decades.
3) The assassination would send a clear massage to anyone foolhardy enough
to try to challenge the deep state in the future.

You don't have to be Columbo to figure out the motives for this banana
republic plot.

Inconvenient facts about Harris: She is not "Black". Her mother was
Indian (a native of the country of India) and her father is Jamaican.
Her father proudly claims that he is a descendant of the 19th-century
slave owner Hamilton Brown.

Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren has more African-American heritage than she does.

So based on the far left and her own Democratic party doctrine, Harris is not
worthy to be in the USA much less be it's president. How's that for a
kick in the ass, Bimbo? Go directly to the bottom of the DEI victim class
ladder. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Those planning to vote for Harris and other big spenders (of your money)
Democrats: You are aware that the USA has a thirty five trillion dollar
debt, right? And that Harris fully plans to implement a wide range of
"entitlements" like free healthcare for illegal aliens, right? So just
how much longer do you think the USA can keep printing money before it
becomes worthless? Won't it be fun when you need a wheelbarrow full of
dollars to buy a loaf of bread? Fucking idiots...

This is no longer about politics.
You either love your country or you vote for democrats
Deep state 0 Americans 1

The US Government tried to imprison Trump, their political opponent just
like what happened to Mandela. Failing that, they tried to murder him.
And now the corrupt FBI is destroying evidence and refusing to tell
Americans (who they work for) what actually happened and who was behind it.
So, my dear American sheep morons, do you think for one second that the US
government would hesitate to imprison or murder you if you were to be so
bold as to say or even think something that was not "approved"? If you
think your government would never do something like that to you, ostensibly
because you didn't do anything wrong, you truly are living in some alternate

The "defenders of democracy" have once again stated that they want to "reform"
The Supreme Court. "Reform", for those out there who have never read Orwell
and don't understand the manipulation of language, means packing the court or
enacting term limits for justices. The US Supreme Court, the last functioning
branch of government is key to the checks and balances protecting Americans
from total tyranny. "Reforming" SCOTUS will not protect democracy. It will
help destroy it. If you refuse to educate yourself, for God's sake DO NOT

Two weeks after the attempted assassination of President Trump, the corrupt
Trump hating FBI Director, Christopher Wray testified before Congress that
"There is still some question whether Trump was hit by a bullet or glass
shards". These are the idiots who are doing an "investigation"? These
incompetent, corrupt thugs with badges have the casings and bullets. And
supposedly the best crime lab on the planet. The American public is
waiting for the ballistics reports to confirm or dispel the second
shooter possibility. And these fuckwads still don't know if Trump was
struck by a bullet or glass? DEI is really working out! You are one stupid
fuck if you are still voting for Democrats.

The FBI had no trouble tracking down every single grandmother who was
anywhere near DC on J6 but they have no idea who the two other "suspicious
people" at the Trump rally are?

July 21,2024

The corrupt, senile puppet who is occupying the White House due to a
rigged 2020 presidential election just dropped out of his re-election
campaign. Supposedly due to having contracted covid for the half dozenth
time. The most jabbed moron on the planet caught covid yet again even
though this degenerate liar claimed that you could not catch nor transmit
covid if you took the jab. Worst president in my overly long lifetime
and I lived through Nixon, Obama, GW Bush, Carter, Johnson and Ford!

But even though Biden has been declared too senile to be prosecuted
for having classified documents hidden in his garage and elsewhere
and even though he is clearly too senile to be re-elected, he will
remain in office as president?!?!?

Americans are living in historic times. Far more historic than the
Watergate years.

Now that the deep state attempt to murder Trump failed, Joe has to go.
The cackling bimbo DEI VP has been endorsed as the replacement
presidential candidate. We shall see what happens at the DNC convention
next month. I suspect that Antifa will resume their rioting and will
once again be murdering people and burning down cities. Will that be
the next "emergency" excuse that the deep state uses to rig the 2024

If you still vote for Democrats you are not misguided. You are deranged!
Evil and demented criminals have turned your country into a banana republic
and you want this insanity to continue? You're fine with the clown show
that controls every aspect of your life? There's just no cure for stupid.

Trump will at least try to drain the swamp. If Biden is replaced by
another DEI left wing loon the insanity will continue and likely get
a lot worse. If you are truly that self-destructive, please move to
Canada and help fuck up that country. You won't be missed and I will
help you pack.

July 13, 2024

The deep state (the defenders of democracy) botched their attempt to
assassinate President Donald J. Trump. This event was so poorly
executed that even the dimmest Americans out there could clearly see
that this was not a lone shooter as the CIA would have you believe.
The whole world, or at least those with any intelligence at all know
that the US Government was behind this plot. DEI imbecile hires one and all.

The US Secret Service was clearly complicit in this conspiracy.
This is the same outfit that couldn't figure out who's cocaine it was
that was left in the most secure, most actively monitored building on
the planet. The US Secret Service is run by the corrupt DHS, headed by the
incompetent buffoon Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas will likely figure
prominently in this assassination plot. This could not have happened
without his consent and cooperation.

The shooter, who did not live in that town, went directly to a building
that is 150 yards from where Trump was speaking. "Luckily", access
to the building was unlocked, unguarded and not monitored. Curiously,
the perp saw that there was a ladder there leading to the roof that the
USSS team "overlooked".... or it was placed there for him. A 20 year old
loser but the luckiest assassin in history.

Numerous witnesses saw the shooter, with a rifle, "bear crawling" to get into
position. They tried frantically to notify the USSS agents who were
looking directly at them. The agents ignored them. 150 yards is well
within the range of most modern rifles. The would-be-assassin got off
several shots before the snipers reacted. Once Trump was down and presumed
dead, the USSS snipers quickly dispatched the shooter. Dead men tell
no tales.

Certainly nothing suspicious about any of that, right folks?

The equally corrupt, Trump hating FBI is going to do a sham investigation
on why these secret service nitwits failed so miserably and allowed
Trump to nearly be murdered. Americans will be expected to once again
swallow their bs report and just accept the murderous government's lies.

Americans understand that if Trump should die in his sleep, choke on a
piece of steak, get struck by a bolt of lightning or if Biden should
win in November with 300 million votes, that they are living in a
banana republic. A fact that is blindingly obvious to many of us already.

Republicans, who are the solution to nothing, will do a lot of blah blah
in the coming weeks. But no one will be arrested for their collusion
in this outrage. The insanity in the open air asylum known as the USA
will continue until the next black swan event comes along. Likely

Will these morons take another shot (literally) at Trump? Will they
rig the 2024 election like they did in 2020? Or is there some other
nefarious scheme hatching behind door number three?

This is not an overstatement: If Trump had not turned his head at that
precise moment, he would have taken a bullet to the brain. But for
providence, the great American experiment would have ended today.


We, the American people (and the entire world) are supposed to believe
that a 20 year old geek was able to thwart and outsmart the most
sophisticated personal protection agency on the planet.

All federal law enforcement agencies have been stonewalling congressional
investigations. 10 days and counting and no official reports have been
forthcoming. Secrecy invites conspiracy theories. Several independent
investigators have provided compelling evidence that the supposed shooter
(Crooks) had help planning and executing this attack. There is also
compelling evidence that there was a second shooter. Further, it is
certainly plausible and perhaps even likely that the USSS set up Trump
to be murdered. The corrupt FBI has provided no solid evidence to
convince the public that the above conclusions are incorrect.

A shadowy figure who has been identified as an ATF agent has been
skulking around the assassination site soliciting pictoral evidence
from the locals there. For what purpose is unknown especially since
the FBI is supposedly the only agency charged with doing this investigation.

The USSS and law enforcement knew about the credible threat to Trump's
life well in advance of the shooting. A decision was made to replace
Trump's regular security detail with the most incompetent, woke, DEI
hire imbeciles in the USSS. The reason given for this was that the
regular detail was "tired".

The USSS failed to secure the most obvious location a would-be assassin
would choose. Snipers and many in the public saw the shooter on the roof
long before any shots were fired.

There is also video being released that shows what appears to be a second
shooter on the water tower, also not secured or guarded by the USSS.
Yet a third possible shooter has been identified by forensics who was
positioned at an open window on the second story of the building
just a few feet and to the right of Crooks.

A local Butler, PA cop has been reported as saying "there was more than
just a single shooter". Audio analysis of the gunshots confirm this.

In spite of multiple eye witness reports of a gunman on the roof (including
at least one by local law enforcement, Trump was not immediately taken to
a safe, secure location.

The shooter was allowed to get off 3 slowly paced shots. Followed by
about 4-5 rapid paced shots with a completely different sound.
Followed by a single shot from a third firearm that sounded different than
the other two rifles. Only after Trump was down and presumed dead, did the
USSS sniper take out the presumed shooter (Crooks).

Every firearm and every shooter creates a different and unique note when

The corrupt, Trump hating FBI is tasked with "investigating" how this
could have happened. Shortly after the attempted murder an FBI agent
was videotaped destroying evidence on the roof where the shooter was
killed. There has so far been no ballistics report given on the many
shots fired. The presumed shooter is dead. DHS and USSS is stonewalling
the congressional investigation. What is the FBI hiding?

Was Crooks just a patsy? Did the deep state intentionally make Trump a
very easy target for any assassin? Was there a second, CIA operative shooter?
Is the corrupt FBI hiding and/or destroying evidence in this crime?

This series of events could not have happened without the knowledge and
consent of the corrupt, incompetent, Trump hating DHS director Mayorkas.
Someone on the ground at the shooting (and likely several LEOs) know
that Trump was set up to be murdered by the deep state. One or more
of them need to have the balls to step up. Reports are that several credible
whistleblowers have already contacted Sen J. Hawley with information.

Just like the CIA murder of JFK, a lot of people close to that investigation
mysterously died not long after. So be on the lookout for anyone on the
Trump rally security team who should happen to die under curious circumstances.

An interesting sidebar is that the CIA or some other deep state operator
already had a cover story out there blaming Iran for the attack on Trump.
The motive would be to create yet another mass psychosis scam (ala 911)
to enrage the American public so that they would support a war with Iran,
something the neocons are very keen to do.


This is how CNN, part of the corrupt media, reported this event:

Former US President Donald Trump stumbled at a rally in Pennsylvania following
loud bangs, according to CNN.

Secret Service agents escorted former President Donald Trump off stage after
he fell to the ground at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Before his fall, there was a loud noise. Agents helped him to his feet, and
there was blood on his face.

As he walked off stage, he raised his fist and shouted in response to the
crowd. He was then placed into a vehicle and evacuated from the scene.

Do you still listen to these degenerate liars for your information?
If so, you are an imbecile.

So the question is, now that Trump has effectively won the November election
and will be the next president, will the deep state just give up? This
seems highly unlikely to me. Smooth sailing between now and November?
That would be a very naive assumption.

My guess is that the deep state will try something massive. A major
terror attack that they will try to blame on "MAGA extremists".
A massive cyber attack. Another assassination attempt on Trump. Some
other false flag event that kills hundreds or thousands. I don't see
these criminals just taking a four year breather and accepting defeat.

Time will tell...

ED NOTE: Hate America? That's fine. Pack your shit and get the fuck
out! America is for AMERICANS! If you think the USA is an evil country
move your ignorant, ungrateful ass north to Canada. Trudeau will love
having you and you won't be missed here. 100 million less imbeciles
will go a long way towards making America great again!

Is it finally morning in America? Difficult to say. If the Democrats
and RINOs go back under the rocks they crawled out of, perhaps. But
there is also the insanity and mass psychosis that has infected millions
of Americans that is going to be difficult to erradicate. Trump promised
the mass deportation of 30 million illegal "immigrants". I'd suggest
also deporting anyone who hates America and seeks to violently overthrow
the USA. This is, afterall, a federal crime.

81 million lemmings, dead people and 2,000 mules caused this shitstorm.
And now that Trump has been "convicted" in this sham, kangaroo court
banana republic government sponsored lynching it is about to get a whole
lot worse.

On May 31, 2024 Trump told Biden to "buckle up". I believe this outrage
has finally caused Trump to get a lot more serious and focused on these
domestic enemies of freedom. No more name calling. No more treating
the intentional destruction of America like it's a TV reality show. On
day one, Trump needs to abolish the FBI, CIA, NSA and completely overhaul
the DOJ. Come January 20, 2025, any attempt to weaken or nullify the
US Constituion should be immediate grounds for termination from ANY US
Government position. Head for the hills, you despicable scumbags! There's
a new sheriff in town!

Woe to any RINO who interferes with the restoration of freedom in America!

Previous Tidbits from

2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

The FXSTC has been running great after a few upgrades. And I have
a few more upgrades that I'll be doing as funds permit. Still punching
up my tool set so that I can do more of this specialized work myself.
The shop is all cleaned up and organized but I still need to improve
the overhead lighting in the work area.

All cleaned up and shiny she looks great. And sounds amazing! Why
I waited so long to do all this stuff is a mystery. So glad I finally

Another year has passed yet Eloise is just as cute as ever.
The Mardis Gras goil this year I'm informed
Relaxing in retirement with her BFF Drippy the SnowBoy.
And her birthday peanuts.

Grand daughter's High School graduation, 2021
Looking forward to her getting married and making
me a Great Grandfather while I am still above ground.

Of course it's a big question mark if I will ever get
to even talk to her much less ever meet her or any of
her children. Or even get to talk to her Dad and my
son, a kid I've seen exactly once since he was three
months old.

Hope grew up to be an adorable and remarkably talented
young woman so even though her parents want nothing to
do with me, they have certainly done an amazing job
raising her.

When I ponder my own life and my accomplishments (or lack
of), I often wonder exactly what contributions I have made
to society taking up space on their planet. Not much,
probably. Although my Son the Fire Chief has saved numerous
lives and perhaps Hope will go on to do great things in her
life. So my little contribution to the betterment of the world
might only be that I was responsible for giving them life.

Considering how in love I was (and still am) with her Gramma
the task was my pleasure. Literally.

Better days, long, long ago....

Man was his Mother a knockout! Small wonder he grew up to be a
very handsome man.

Fast forward 55 years.....

Not bad, huh? :)

It will take the undertaker a week to wipe the smile off my dead face....
Life is good....

The Green Hornet is definitely a babe magnet as is the Harley and Big Dog.
Best purchases I have ever made!

73 years old (in 2020) and I guess I'll never grow up. Cutting donuts up at
Windy Ridge a few days before I had to turn in my 2020 Hemi Challenger R/T

Pictures of that adventure are HERE

A month driving that Challenger exploring America is what convinced me
that I needed to get me one as my very last new car and that it needed
to be a custom built machine. God hates hot rods that don't have three
pedals. The Green Hornet (link to it below) has all of the best
and none of the worst options. I did pass on the Scat Pack and Hellcat
choices mostly because President Brandon will soon make gasoline so
insanely expensive that even powering a baby hemi will require a bank loan.
But I gotta say, even this modest 5.7L motor makes this car a monster.
Put on a total of ~ 22,000 miles over two months. Half with the Challenger
and half with a 2021 Charger. It was certainly the adventure of a lifetime.
I had already been to all 50 states and have toured some extensively but
this latest adventure was about running the back roads, meeting and
talking to interesting people.... basically taking the roads less traveled.
Pictures of those road trips are HERE

Elwood: It's got a cop motor. A 440-cubic inch plant. It's got cop
tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It's a model made to run good on
regular gas. So what do you say? Is it the new BluesMobile or what?

Jake: It's got a lot of pickup. Fix the cigarette lighter.

I've always been partial to throaty, low rumbling pipes even from a
very young age. The Big Dog can set off every car alarm on NW 23rd if
I get on it even a little. The 442 had cherry bombs and a 400 CI plant
so not exactly a sleeper. The Hemi has a nice, deep rumble when
cruising down the road. If I'm on the Interstate at sundown and there
is good Chicago Blues playing it's likely I will just want to thunder
through the night until sun up... as I have done more than just a few
times on various bikes and hot rods.

So far I've been up to 140 going across North Dakota with not a cop
in sight or on my radar. I can get a solid patch of rubber going into
third gear (not a little squeak... a looong squeal... so much so that I had
to let off the juice some so as to not run the tires off the rims. LOVE

The Green Hornet only has 5k miles on it and already needs new rear sneakers.
This rig has already put a lot of smiles on this tired old face of mine.

Pictures of my awesome Mopar or No car, The Green Hornet!
a.k.a My Shake 'n Bake
2021 5.7L Hemi Dodge Challenger R/T Shaker
And my car buying adventure. Life is a long
and winding road.....

Treated the softtail to a bath after many years of neglect. She sure
looks good. Suzy is next up once I fit her with a fresh battery. With
Biden's inflation a 40 mpg bike that runs good on regular gasoline will
help keep me out there touring.

This year (2023) I did some significant upgrades to this bike. Power
Commander, pipes, heavy breather intake.... runs and sounds totally
awesome. Why oh why did I wait so long to do these?

Here's a link to a Collage that I put together as a homework
assignment many moons ago....

And if you're interested, here are a few pictures taken in many Years Gone By

Here's the Original Easyrider, circa 1980, beta testing his concept
of remotely performed diagnostics which will later turn into an MSP
service model adopted worldwide.

Note the blazingly fast (in it's day) 1200 baud modem and very high tech
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VT100 terminal.

The Daughter formerly known as The Jeep was such a little angel the
last time I saw her some 40+ years ago.....
well, perhaps a devilish little angel but still.....

The number one greatest thing to ever happen in my overly long life was
witnessing her birth. My number one sorrow? You can probably guess
what that is.....


These pages were designed for high resolution, wide screen monitors
Copyright 1990-2024 Easyrider LAN Pro
TheOriginalEasyrider © 2024
Easyrider In The Wind Photography
All rights reserved - may not be copied without permission